
Showing posts from May, 2018

Things Have Been a Little Ruff...

Well, in the first four weeks at my BDRA foster home, I had four dental surgeries - one each week!  Apparently my mouth was so infected prior to the time I came to BDRA that the stitches from my tooth extractions would not hold.  So, about ten days ago, I went to a soft tissue surgeon who did some skin grafting to patch up the holes in my mouth (so I would not get a terrible infection in my sinuses and beyond).  And I got an esophageal feeding tube for food and my meds.  My foster mom gives me my medication through the tube, and I am eating blended food using my mouth.  So far, so good!  The stitches are holding, and I am being a real trooper, hanging in there, and hoping my mouth will be all healed up soon! Please send good thoughts my way!